“I may paint studios all my life, just as others have painted self-portraits.”
The words of Franco-Argentinian painter, musician and poet Sergio de Castro (1922-2012) invite us to explore the many facets and meanings of the studio space in his work: from its concrete, historical dimension as a place for the creation, conservation and dissemination of his works, as well as through its contextualisation in the socio-cultural milieu of post-war Paris; and as an autonomous pictorial subject, lending itself to an interplay of interlocking forms and the use of mise en abyme, and thereby reflecting a potential mirror or double of the artist himself.
Lucía Méndez Soria, L’ATELIER DE SERGIO DE CASTRO (extract)
Catalog 96 pages – Texts by Lucía Méndez Soria & Élisabeth Dufourcq