How did the artist Carmelo Arden Quin die?

Carmelo Arden Quin died in Paris in 2010 at the age of 97. The artist visited Paris for the first time in 1948. After spending a year in Argentina in 1955, Arden Quin returned to France for good in 1956. In France, the artist pursued his artistic practice and investigations as part of the Madí movement. The Madí movement still exists today, represented by artists from different countries including Brazil, Spain, France, Hungary, Japan, Uruguay and Venezuela. The Madí Museum and Gallery was opened in Dallas in 2003. Its permanent collection features 25 works by the painter Carmelo Arden Quin, as well as works by 18 other Madí artists from all over the world.

Please visit the painter Carmelo Arden Quin’s dedicated page to learn more about the artist’s work and paintings.

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Art Gallery Diane de Polignac » FAQ » FAQ Carmelo Arden Quin » How did the Artist Carmelo Arden Quin Die?