Inès Blumencweig
Structures dynamiques

OPENING > JANUARY 18, 2024 > 7PM – 9PM

ines blumencweig - exhibition structures dynamiques 2024

From Argentina and living in Rome, Inès Blumencweig is a virtuoso artist who creates artworks between painting and sculpture. Her great technical knowledge allows her to master various materials such as metal, wood and ribbons. Her work approaches Spatialism, kinetic art and Arte Programmata, while remaining fundamentally personal and original.

The exhibition Structures dynamiques at the Diane de Polignac Gallery echoes the exhibition Structures sensibles presented at La Maison de l’Amérique latine in Paris (October 13, 2022 to January 7, 2023). The two projects were realized in collaboration with ISLAA of New York (Institute for Studies on Latin American Art) who participates in the rediscovery of the artist Inès Blumencweig’s body of work.

For the exhibition Structures dynamiques, the Diane de Polignac Gallery chose to present 22 exclusive artworks from the 1970s. At that time, Inès Blumencweig used wood panels that she cut, drilled and painted with acrylic, gouache or lacquer. The wooden base took on all different kinds of geometric forms, freeing the artist from the traditional rectangular form. Inès Blumencweig then added coloured nylon ribbons that she would stretch, twist and coil on the base, their contortions reminiscent of the coloured bands in kinetic works. The encounter between the wood panel and the nylon ribbons produces unique reliefs-paintings.

Benjamin de Roubaix, nephew of the artist, is curator of the exhibition. The catalogue is co-published by ISLAA and Diane de Polignac Gallery.

ines blumencweig - exhibition catalog 2024 diane de polignac gallery

Structures dynamiques

Exhibition Catalog 82 pages
Texts by Domitille d’Orgeval & Benjamin de Roubaix

Modern Art Exhibitions » Past Art Exhibitions » Exhibition Inès Blumencweig Structures Dynamiques 2024