olivier debre - portrait atelier

Olivier Debré


A painter of the exaltation of colour and broad expanses, Olivier Debré is a key artist of Post-War Lyrical Abstraction. The personification of French Color Field, this “European Rothko” defined his painting as “fervent abstraction” because it arouses emotion.

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galerie diane de polignac - olivier debre exposition 2017

APRIL 16 – JUNE 19, 2017

galerie diane de polignac - vue expositions olivier debre 2014



olivier debre - exhibition catalog diane de polignac gallery 2017


Published by the Galerie Diane de Polignac
Exhibition Catalog
French & English – 84 pages – may / june 2017

catalogue d'exposition olivier debre


Published by the Galerie Diane de Polignac
Exhibition Catalog
French & English – 80 pages – sept. 2014

exhibition - 2014 jordan lyrical abstraction paris 1945 1995

PARIS 1945-1995

Published by the Galerie Diane de Polignac and the Jordan National Gallery of Fine Arts
Exhibition Catalog
English – 21 pages – nov. 2014

Artwork analysis

olivier debre -newsletter art comes to you 18 page

“Olivier Debré, Untitled – 1948”, an analysis by Astrid de Monteverde and Mathilde Gubanski

Olivier Debré’s youth and training

In 1920 Olivier Debré was born in Paris to a family of doctors and politicians. His father was the famous paediatrician Robert Debré while Michel Debré, the future prime minister under de Gaulle, was his brother. It is from his mother’s side that he inherited his artistic sensitivity. His maternal grandfather Édouard Debat-Ponsan, was an academic painter of the previous century and his maternal uncle, Jacques Debat-Ponsan, a famous architect and winner of the Rome Prize in 1912.

At a very young age, Olivier Debré began to draw, paint, and sculpt before entering the architecture section of the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts de Paris, where he joined the studio of his uncle Jacques Debat-Ponsan. At the same time he also frequented Le Corbusier’s studio. For Olivier Debré, architecture was an extension of art, the logical continuation of his artistic beginnings. He said: “as a child, I mixed architecture, painting, and sculpture. For me it corresponded to the same thing, it was a way of being in opposition to medicine, law, mathematics. The Fine Arts formed a whole. Architecture as much as painting.” Circumstances of life led Debré to abandon architecture to concentrate on painting at the beginning of the 1940s. The painter Debré confided: “during the difficult period of the War, I was there, in the Touraine, where I had always gone when I was a child, and I went back into the fields and I painted, simply, like that.” he added “(…) In painting, I needed direct expression and physical communication with nature; perhaps precisely during that difficult time, the need to escape from that society and its terrible background.” Painting became his means of expression, his own language, like the “transcription of [his] emotion” (Debré).

The ‘sign’ in Olivier Debré’s works and first exhibitions

In 1941, Olivier Debré presented his paintings, landscapes of the Touraine and views of the banks of the Seine, at the Galerie Aubry in Paris. During winter 1942, Olivier Debré pushed his reflection towards the scope of painting, its impact, and formed a method of artistic expression that would be like a language, one that was both “pure” and equipped for communication. “Either the language is purely conventional, we know in advance what a given sign means, and it is basically writing or, if you want the sign to be comprehensible, it has to pass by emotion, by material sensation and, again, it is no longer a pure language. In that moment, I immediately introduced myself into the signs” explained Olivier Debré.

At that time, he met Picasso and visited his studio on the rue des Grands-Augustins in Paris many times. Picasso’s work inspired him and incited him to express his emotion without using representation, but beyond the decomposition of the object characteristic of Cubism. Debré used the sign, which was for him “the incarnation of thought”.

In 1945, he married Denise Coulon with whom he had two children: Patrice and Sylvie.

Olivier Debré’s work Signe de Ferveur Noire (Sign of Black Fervour) (1944-1945, private collection), painted directly with tube of paint, marked the passage to non-figurative art.

From 1948, Debré exhibited at the various art Salons in Paris: the Salon d’Automne, the Salon des Surindépendants, and then from the early 1950s at the Salon de Mai where he exhibited throughout his career, at the Salon d’Octobre, the salon Comparaisons and the Salon des Réalités Nouvelles where he showed regularly for ten years from 1957 to 1967.

The Galerie Bing in Paris held Debré’s first solo exhibition in 1949: the paintings he exhibited, abstract and very expressive, were appreciated. Olivier Debré met other key painters of Lyrical Abstraction at the same time: Gérard Schneider, Jean-Michel Atlan, Pierre Soulages and Hans Hartung.

Sign-Figures by the painter Olivier Debré

At the start of the 1950s, Olivier Debré’s work became more substantial, marked by a palette of muted colours. He worked the paint with a knife in flat areas of colour to construct his paintings: they are abstract still lifes and landscapes, solidly constructed, concentrated on the horizontal plane, or large vertical compositions constructed with broad impasto from which the full length silhouette of a man stands out: these are the Sign-Figures, characteristic of the 1950s, in restrained colours, almost monochrome.

At the end of the 1950s, two solo exhibitions of Olivier Debré’s art were mounted in the USA, at the Knoedler Galleries of New York in 1959, and the same year a retrospective was held at the Philips Collection in Washington. This was a success. He met Franz Kline, Mark Rothko and Jules Olitski there. His works continued to travel abroad: to Italy, Switzerland, Belgium, Finland, Norway, and Germany. In 1966 his first retrospective at a French museum, Olivier Debré. Peintures 1943-1966, was shown at the Musée des Beaux-Arts of Le Havre.

Gradually his work became more colourful and transparent. “The use of a palette knife in flat areas allowed him to create coloured impasto, of which successive layers created slight relief, playing with transparencies, traces, abrasions. This would lead after 1960 to what Debré himself called “fervent abstraction”, as Lydia Harambourg has noted.

“Fervent Abstraction” is for Debré emotion evoked by the contemplation of a landscape. The painter Debré then abandoned the sign in favour of the emotion. Olivier Debré said that “At a given moment, something freezes in the material itself, this is the reality of the emotion and there is a sort of nesting within me between a mental and a real atmosphere… we are always within ourselves and outside ourselves…. I paint in the emotion of a reality that begets me, myself…”

Sign-Landscapes by the painter Olivier Debré

At the start of the 1960s, therefore, the painter Olivier Debré turned fully towards the landscape that would become from then on his field of exploration. He said that “I want to do abstract Courbet.” It is in contact with nature itself, most often working outside, that Debré created his paintings. Fully immersed in the landscape, he sought to remove any border between the perception of the landscape as observed and its expression on the canvas. Broad fields of colour are marked by fluid painting, weightless, in which light and transparency are allowed to dawn, punctuated by a few concretions that create a relief on the edges of the painting. These are the Sign-Landscapes.

In his new abstract compositions, Olivier Debré defied the classical composition of the painting to concentrate attention on an edge sometimes, or on a corner: this decentring favours the impression of fluidity and gives the composition movement. From the 1970s, Debré’s painting found its formal balance in the square format he favoured most often.

With Olivier Debré the canvas becomes an open space. From 1962, Debré created huge paintings, which were exhibited at the Palais Galliera in Paris in 1968 alongside sculptures by Gilioli.

International recognition for Olivier Debré

At the end of the 1960s, Olivier Debré’s work was shown several times in Japan: first in a group show at the Nippon Gallery in 1967 and then three years later at a solo show in the same gallery. In 1970, Olivier Debré also participated in the International Art Exhibition at Osaka for which he created a monumental ceramic piece. In 1967, Olivier Debré exhibited a gigantic painting, Signe d’Homme, for the French pavilion at the Montreal International Exposition.

The painter Olivier Debré travelled around the world and the titles of his paintings bear witness to this roaming: Jerusalem, Dakar, Hong-Kong, Mexico… He frequently went to Norway in search of unusual landscapes and wrote Impressions de Voyages, published in the catalogue of his exhibition at the Galerie Ariel in Paris in 1973. Debré also regularly painted in his studio in the Touraine, at Les Madères: he settled along the banks of the Loire, the river that inspired him so much.

In the mid-1970s, several retrospectives of Olivier Debré’s paintings were held: at the Institut Français of New Delhi (1974), the Musée Picasso in Antibes (1975), the Musée d’Art et d’Industrie of Saint-Étienne (1975), the Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris (1975), at the Musée des Beaux-Arts of Nantes (1976), and at the National Museum of Wales in Cardiff (1977).

A painter of large spaces, the artist projected his gesture into the canvas in a creative impetus that combined instantaneousness and speed. This sense of space was naturally used in Olivier Debré’s monumental paintings and in his public commissions: two large paintings for the boarding section of the Royal School (1965), two paintings in the amphitheatre of the Medical faculty of Toulouse (1968), two large canvases for the city of Amboise (1971), a monumental painting for the École Polytechnique at Palaiseau (1976), a mural for the French Embassy in Washington (1982), a large panel for the Hôpital Robert-Debré in Paris (1988)…

Monumental artworks, stage curtains and ballet by Olivier Debré

It is above all in major stage sets that this call of the open space took shape, especially in the various commissions received for stage curtains: for the Comédie Française (1987), for the Hong Kong Opera (1989), ordered by the Fondation Louis Vuitton for the Théâtre des Abbesses in Paris (1996) and for the new opera house in Shanghai (1999). Plunged into the immensity of the canvas, the artist, a sweeping brush in his hand, spread the colour, mixed in with it, had the experience of being totally immersed in the colour.
From 1980 to 1985, Olivier Debré was also the head of the mural painting studio at the l’École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts de Paris.

In 1995, a major retrospective of the artist Olivier Debré was held at the Galerie Nationale du Jeu de Paume in Paris. This exhibition then travelled around Europe, to Liège, Milan, Stravanger (Norway), and Reykjavik as well as Latin America, to Medellín (Colombia), Mexico, Rio de Janeiro.

In 1997, an entire ballet, Signes was devoted to the work of the painter Debré. This unique show, directed by the choreographer Carolyn Carlson with décors and costumes by Olivier Debré, brought together painting, music and dance around the painter’s work. Performed for the first time at the Bastille Opera in 1997, this contemporary ballet was again presented in the same opera house in 2013.

Decorative arts in Olivier Debré’s body of work

Olivier Debré was also involved in multiple artistic collaborations. He drew tapestry cartoons, a stamp, and numerous pieces of stained glass: for the chapel of Saint-Mandé in La Croix Hélléan and at the Collégiale Notre-Dame-de-Grande-Puissance in Lamballe, Brittany (1994).
Parallel to his painting, Olivier Debré continued to collaborate in printmaking and lithography projects. He illustrated several books by writers such as Michel Déon (Avant-jour 1998), Francis Ponge (Le soleil lu à la radio 1998), and Julien Gracq (Les Eaux étroites 1996).

Olivier Debré also made sculptures throughout his career, such as the monumental marble work that he created as a tribute to Charles de Gaulle for the City of Montréal (1992). He also created ceramics.

A few months before his death, he was elected to the Académie des Beaux-Arts in Paris. The painter Olivier Debré died in 1999.

Since 2017 the Centre de Création Contemporaine Olivier Debré in Tours has shown works by Olivier Debré, alongside contemporary creations.

© Galerie Diane de Polignac / Astrid de Monteverde
Translation: Jane Mc Avock

olivier debre - portrait


Selected collections

Aalborg (Denmark), Kunsten Museum of Modern Art Aalborg

Amiens, Fond Régional d’Art Contemporain (FRAC) de Picardie

Amman (Jordan), The Jordan Museum

Antibes, Musée Picasso

Besançon, Fond Régional d’Art Contemporain (FRAC) de Franche-Comté

Bordeaux, Musée des Beaux-Arts

Bourg-en-Bresse, Musée de Brou

Brest, Musée des Beaux-Arts

Buffalo, NY, Albright Knox Art Gallery

Caen, Fond Régional d’Art Contemporain (FRAC) de Basse-Normandie

Caen, Musée des beaux-arts

Cambridge, Ma, Fogg Art Museum

Cardiff, National Museum of Wales

Castellanza (Italy), Museo Pagani, Arte Moderna e Contemporanea

Detroit, Mi, Ford Collection

Dunkirk, Lieu d’Art et Action contemporaine (LAAC)

Évreux, Musée d’Art, d’Histoire et d’Archéologie

Geneva, Fondation Gandur pour l’Art

Grenoble, Musée de Grenoble

Houston, Tx, De Menil Foundation

Jerusalem, Maison de France

Le Havre, Musée d’Art Moderne André-Malraux (MuMa)

Liège, Musée des Beaux-Arts

Luxembourg, Musée National d’Histoire et d’Art

Lyon, Musée des Beaux-Arts

Marseille, Musée Cantini

Medelin (Colombia), Museo de Arte Moderno

Metz, Musée de La Cour d’Or, Metz Métropole

Montauban, Musée Ingres

Nantes, Musée des Arts

New Delhi, Museum

Nice, Musée d’Art Moderne et d’Art Contemporain

Oslo, Astrup Fearnley Museet for Moderne Kunst

Paris, Fond Régional d’Art Contemporain (FRAC) d’Ile-de-France

Paris, Musée d’Art Moderne de Paris

Paris, Musée National d’Art Moderne, Centre Pompidou

Poitiers, Musée Sainte-Croix

Québec, Musée des Beaux-Arts

Reims, Fond Régional d’Art Contemporain (FRAC) de Champagne-Ardenne

Rennes, Musée des Beaux-Arts

Reykjavik, Reykjavik Museum of Art

Rio de Janeiro, Museu de Arte Moderna

Sables-d’Olonne, Musée de l’Abbaye de Sainte-Croix

Saint-Denis, Musée d’Art et d’Histoire

Saint-Etienne, Musée d’Art moderne de Saint-Etienne Métropole

Saint-Louis, Mo, The Art Museum

Saintes, Musée des Beaux-Arts, L’Echevinage

Sélestat, Fond Régional d’Art Contemporain (FRAC) d’Alsace

Sotteville-lès-Rouen, Fond Régional d’Art Contemporain (FRAC) de Haute-Normandie

South Bend, Indiana, Notre Dame University

Strasbourg, Musée d’Art Moderne et Contemporain

Taipei, Museum of Fine Arts of Taipei

Toulouse, Les Abattoirs

Tours, Musée des Beaux-Arts

Vitry-sur-Seine, Musée d’Art Contemporain du Val de Marne

Washington D.C., Hirshhorn Museum

Washington D.C., Philips Collection


Monumental works and public commissions

Two large paintings for the boarding section of the Collège de Royan, 1965

A large painting, Maison des Jeunes Travailleurs, Créteil, 1966

A monumental work, International Exposition of Montreal, Canada, 1967

A monumental work for the boarding school of Audruicq (Pas-de-Calais), 1968

Two oil paintings for the amphitheatre of the Medical Faculty of Toulouse, a painting on canvas for the administrative buildings, 1968

A large ceramic work, International Exposition, Osaka, 1969

Two large paintings town of Amboise, 1971

A large painting for the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 1972

A large painting on canvas, Lycée Rabelais, Chinon, 1975

A monumental painting for the École polytechnique, Palaiseau, 1976

A ceramic work for the external wall of the Nikko Hotel (now Novotel Paris Tour Eiffel), Paris, 1980

Large murals for the Lycée Technique of Belfort, 1980

Mural for the French Embassy, Washington, 1982

Décor and costumes for the work Racines, Festival d’Avignon, 1983

Commission from the French State for the stage curtain of the Comédie Française, Paris, unveiled in 1987

Painting for the grand staircase of the Mairie of Boulogne-Billancourt, 1988

Large panel for the Hôpital Robert-Debré, Paris, 1988

Monumental sculpture, boulevard Bourbon, Paris, 14th arrondissement, 1988

Stage curtain for the Opera of Hong-Kong, 1989

Monumental sculpture in marble, tribute to Charles de Gaulle for the City of Montreal, 1992

Ceramic wall for the Villa Kujoyama, Kyoto, 1992

Artists’ residences, Paris, 13th arrondissement, in association with the SCP Mazerand et Meyran, 1993

Ceramic for the metro station Les Arènes, Toulouse, 1993

Ceramic for the Daïkaku-ji Temple, Kyoto, 1993

Oil on canvas attached to the ceiling for the council chamber, RIVP, Paris 7th arrondissement, 1993

Works for the church Notre-Dame-de-la-Source, Compiègne, in association with the SCP Mazarand et Meyran, 1993-1996

Fountains for the motorways of the south of France (A9, A10, A11, A61), 1994

Group of four elements in steel painted red for the entrance of the Eurotunnel, Calais, 1994

Painting for the church Saint-Louis-d’Antin, Paris, 9th arrondissement, 1994

Stained glass for the chapel of Saint-Mandé, La Croix Hélléan (Morbihan), 1994

Stained glass for the Collégiale Notre-Dame-de-Grande-Puissance, Lamballe (Côtes d’Armor), France, including 3 windows in collaboration with Geneviève Asse, 1994

Paintings for the six galleries and the stage curtain for the Théâtre des Abbesses, Paris, 18th arrondissement, 1996

Décor and costumes for the ballet Signes by Carolyn Carlson, 1997

Stage curtain for the New Opera House of Shanghai in association with two Chinese painters Jing Shijian and Xu Jiang, 1998

Six Stained glass windows for the church of Notre-Dame-de-Lugagnac, Saint-Eutrope-de-Born (Lot-et-Garonne), 1998

Unveiling of the stained glass for the Collégiale Saint-Mexme of Chinon, 2006

Unveiling of the stained glass for the Collégiale Notre-Dame-de-Grande-Puissance, Lamballe (Côtes-d’Armor), 2008


Selected exhibitions

Salon d’Automne, Paris, 1948, 1950, 1952, 1965

Salon des Surindépendants, Paris, 1948, 1949

Solo exhibition, Galerie Bing, Paris, 1949

Group show, Perspectives Gallery, New York, 1950

Salon de Mai, Paris, 1950, 1953, 1954, 1956, 1958, 1960, 1961, 1964, 1965, 1966, 1968, 1991, 1998

Salon d’Octobre, Paris, 1952, 1953

Group show, Studio Facchetti, Paris, 1953, 1955

Salon Comparaisons, Paris 1954, 1957, 1962

Art 1955, Musée des Beaux-Arts, Rouen, 1955

Premio Lissone Internazionale per la Pittura, Lissone (Italy), 1955, 1959

Solo exhibition, Galerie Michel Warren, Paris, 1956

Salon des Réalités Nouvelles, Paris, 1957, 1958, 1960, 1961, 1962, 1963, 1965, 1966, 1967

Debré, Knoedler Galleries, New York, 1959

Olivier Debré, Philips Collection, Washington, 1959

Peintres d’Aujourd’hui / Pittori d’Oggi, Palazzo delle Arti, Vth Mostra, Turin, 1959

The John Moores Liverpool Exhibition 2, Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool, 1959

École de Paris, 1960, Galerie Charpentier, Paris, 1960

Solo exhibition, Galerie Charpentier, Paris, 1960

Solo exhibitions, Galerie Knoedler, Paris, 1960, 1963

Prix Marzotto, Palais des Beaux-Arts, Brussels, 1960

Solo exhibition, Galerie Ronca Hans, Lucerne, 1962

Solo exhibition, Galleria Pagani del Grattacielo, Milan, 1962

Solo exhibition, Musée de l’Athénée, Geneva, 1962, 1972

Salon Grands et Jeunes d’Aujourd’hui, Paris, 1962, 1965, 1999

Debré, Knoedler & Co., New York, 1963

Salon d’Art Contemporain, Grand Palais, Paris, 1963

Biennale de Peinture, Menton, 1964

XIXème Salon des Réalités Nouvelles, Maison de la Culture, Namur, 1964

Peinture Contemporaine en France, travelling group exhibition in Finland, Ateneum, Helsinki; Fine Arts Museum, Turku, 1965

Sculptures de Peintres, group show, Galerie Claude Bernard, Paris, 1965

Climat 66, group show, Musée de la Peinture et de Sculpture, Grenoble, 1966

Solo exhibition, Collège Culturel de Merzé, Cluny, 1966

Solo exhibitions, Galerie Haaken, Oslo, 1966, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1975, 1979, 1985, 1990, 1992, 1994

Olivier Debré. Malerei, Galerie Appel und Fertsch, Frankfurt, 1966

Olivier Debré. Peintures 1943-1966, Musée des Beaux-Arts, Le Havre, 1966

Tapis Français Contemporains, travelling group exhibition in Belgium, Palais des Beaux-Arts, Namur; Maison de la Culture, Namur, 1966

1967 50-57, Une Aventure de l’Art Abstrait, travelling group exhibition in France: Musée Galliera, Paris; Musée des Beaux-Arts, Nantes; Musée des Beaux-Arts, Brest; Musée des Beaux-Arts, Orléans; Maison de la Culture, Le Creusot; Maison de la Culture, Lorient; Musée de la Culture, Reims, 1967

Dix Ans d’Art Vivant (55-65), group exhibition, Fondation Maeght, Saint-Paul-de-Vence, 1967

Solo exhibition, Galerie Cavalero, Cannes, 1967, 1977

L’Age du Jazz, group exhibition, Musée Galliera, Paris, 1967

L’Art Moderne en Europe, Expo 67, Pavillon de la Communauté Européenne, Montreal, 1967

Peinture Ininterrompue I, Musée d’Art Moderne, Céret, 1967

Quinze Artistes Français, group exhibition, Nippon Gallery, Tokyo, 1967

Rajzes Akwarell Franciaor Szàgban – Matisse Tôl Napjainkig, group exhibition, Müscarnok, Prague, 1967

Vingt Peintres du XXème siècle, group exhibition, Cimaise HEC, Jouy-en-Josas, 1967

IIème Biennale des Artistes de Cachan et de l’Île-de-France, Hôtel de Ville, Cachan, 1968

Olivier Debré, Peintures – Gilioli, Sculptures, Musée Galliera, Paris, 1968

Dix-huit Peintures, Maison de la Culture, Caen, 1969

Debré. Œuvres de 1940 à 1969, Musée des Beaux-Arts, Brest, 1969

Vingt Ans d’Acquisitions 1948-1968, Musée des Augustins, Toulouse, 1969

International Exhibition, Expo 70, Osaka, 1970

Oliver Debré, Nippon Gallery, Tokyo, 1970

Olivier Debré, Galleria Pagani, Milan, 1970

Biennale de Montrouge, Montrouge, 1971

Solo exhibitions, Galerie Ariel, 1973, 1974, 1976

Solo exhibition, Galerie Bettie Thommen, Basel, 1973

Solo exhibition, Institut Français, New Delhi, 1974

Olivier Debré (dessins, sculptures, 1941-1974), Musée de l’Abbaye de Sainte-Croix, Les Sables-d’Olonne, 1974

Solo exhibition, Musée Picasso, Antibes, 1975

Olivier Debré – Rétrospective, Musée d’Art et d’Industrie et Maison de la Culture et des Loisirs, Saint-Étienne, 1975

Olivier Debré. De la peinture au Dessin, Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, Paris, 1975

Solo exhibition, Musée des Beaux-Arts, Nantes, 1976

Solo exhibition, Artcurial, Paris, 1976 (Debré, sculptures) and 1990 (Olivier Debré. Lithographies et gravures 1945-1990)

Certitude de l’Incertain, group exhibition, Musée Cantini, Marseille, 1977

Solo exhibition, National Museum of Wales, Cardiff, 1977

Solo exhibition, Nordjyllands Kunstmuseum, Aalborg (Denmark), Copenhagen, Lyngby Kunstforening, 1978

L’espace du Temps. Abstraction des Années Cinquante en France, Maison de la Culture, 1978

Solo exhibition, Galerie Nord, Randers (Denmark), 1979

Solo exhibition, Galerie Riis, Trondheim (Norway), 1979; Galerie Riis, Oslo, 1982

Solo exhibition, Maison de la Culture, Montbéliard, 1979

Solo exhibition, Musée des Beaux-Arts, Liège, 1979

Solo exhibition, Museet iVarberg, Varberg (Sweden), 1979

Solo exhibitions, Galerie Daniel Templon, Paris, 1979, 1984, 1986, 1989

Olivier Debré. Bilder Skulpturen, Forum Kunst, Rottweil (RFA), 1979

Solo exhibition, Musée d’Art Moderne, Strasbourg, 1980

Solo exhibition, Musée des Beaux-Arts, Tours, 1980

Solo exhibition, Musée Sainte-Croix, Poitiers, 1980

Olivier Debré, Fondation du Château de Jau, Cases-de-Pène (Perpignan), 1980

Art Contemporain en France, 1960-1980, Musée national jordanien, Amman (Jordan), 1981

Solo exhibition, Abbaye de Fontevraud, Fontevraud, 1981

Solo exhibition, Galerie Hans Strelow, Düsseldorf, 1981

Abstraction Lyrique, group exhibition, Centre Culturel, Aubagne, 1982

Solo exhibitions, Galerie K., Washington, 1982, 1983

Solo exhibitions, Gimpel & Weitzenhoffer Gallery, New York, 1982, 1983

Saint-Nazaire 1982, group exhibition, Musée de Saint-Nazaire, Bourbon-Lancy, 1982

Twelve Contemporary French Artists, group travelling exhibition in the USA: Albright Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo; The Rice University, Houston; De Menil Foundation, Houston, 1982-1983

Oliver Debré: Abstract Works on Canvas, Meredith Long & Company, Houston, 1983

Solo exhibition, Galerie Asbaek, Copenhagen, 1984

Solo exhibition, International Art Gallery, Chicago, 1984

Galerie Daniel Gervis, Paris, 1984, 1989

Oliver Debré – Grands Formats 1982-1984, Pavillon des Arts, Paris, 1984

Olivier Debré. Peintures. Lithographies. Sculptures, Ecole Régionale des Beaux-Arts, Valence, 1984

Peinture en France, group exhibition, Palazzo Sagredo, Venice, 1984

Peinture, Peinture, Maison de la Culture, Bourges, 1984

Solo exhibition, Château de Poudres, Sommières, 1985

Olivier Debré. Œuvres Récentes, Musée de Brou, Bourg-en-Bresse, 1985

Olivier Debré, Musée Dynamique, Dakar, 1986

Olivier Debré, Peintures de 1943 à 1986, Musée d’Art et d’Histoire, Metz, 1986

Olivier Debré. Estampes et Encres de Chine, Théâtre Municipal, Caen, 1986

Peintures, Encres de Chine, Sculptures, Musée Hébert, La Tronche (Grenoble), 1986

Olivier Debré, Abbaye des Cordeliers, Châteauroux, 1987

Olivier Debré: l’Œuvre Gravé, Bibliothèque Nationale, Rotonde Colbert, Paris, 1987

Silence Un, group exhibition, Cloître Saint-Pierre-le-Jeune, Strasbourg, 1987

Abstractions Lyriques: Paris 1945-1955, group travelling exhibition in France: Nouveau Théâtre, Angers; Chapelle Saint-Julien, Laval; Aire libre Art Contemporain Agora, Évry; Musée du Mans, Le Mans; Palais des Congrès, Saint-Jean-de-Monts, 1988-1989

Notes de Voyage d’Olivier Debré, Maison de la Culture de Nevers et de la Nièvre, Nevers, 1988

Olivier Debré: Peintures, Musée Ingres, Montauban, 1988

Olivier Debré. Œuvres monumentales 1966-1988, Centre Culturel, Boulogne-Billancourt, 1988

Solo exhibition, Château de Tours, Tours, 1989

Solo exhibition, Institut Français, Hambourg, 1989

FDAC Val de Marne: Acquisitions 1988, group exhibition, Hôtel du Département, Créteil, 1989

Fondation Daniel Templon: Exposition Inaugurale, group exhibition, Musée Temporaire, Fréjus, 1989

Saint-Germain-des-Prés 1945-1950, group exhibition, Pavillon des Arts, Paris, 1989

Olivier Debré. Œuvres Récentes 1988-1989-1990, Musée des Beaux-Arts, Carcassonne, 1990

Debré. Dessins 1945-1960, Musée d’Art et d’Histoire, Saint-Denis, 1990

Solo exhibition (designs for the stage curtain for the Hong Kong Opera), Fondation Louis-Vuitton pour l’Opéra et la Musique, Musicora, Grand Palais, Paris, 1990

Solo exhibition, Maison des Arts et Loisirs, Laon, 1990

Jean Grenier: Regard sur la Peinture 1944-1971, Musée des Jacobins, Morlaix, 1990

L’Opéra de la Vie: Olivier Debré, Fort Napoléon, La Seyne-sur-Mer, 1990

Les Peintres et les Livres, Centre Régional d’Art Contemporain Midi-Pyrénées, Labège, 1990

Olivier Debré et José Subira-Puig, group exhibition, Centre d’Art Contemporain, Mont-de-Marsan, 1990

Expositions personnelles, Galerie du Luxembourg, Luxembourg, 1991, 1995

Olivier Debré, Quatre Tableaux, Centre de Création Contemporaine, Tours, 1991

Solo exhibition, Château d’Amboise, 1992

Solo exhibition, Yoshii Gallery, Tokyo, 1992, 2003

Solo exhibition, Hôtel du département, La Roche-sur-Yon, 1992

Solo exhibition, Institut Français d’Écosse, Edinburgh, 1992

Solo exhibition, Institut français du Royaume Uni, London, 1992

Solo exhibition, Maison de la Culture/ Nouveau Théâtre, Angers, 1992

Libres Espaces, Direction régionale des Douanes, Strasbourg, 1992

Olivier Debré. Estampes, Le Majorat, Villeneuve-Tolosane, 1992

Olivier Debré. Œuvres de 1948 à 1990, Musée Denys-Puech, Rodez, 1992

Paysage en Exergue: Dix Années d’Enrichissement du Fonds Régional d’Art Contemporain, Espace Art Brenne, Le Blanc, 1992

Quinze Artistes. Quinze stations, Centre culturel Aérospatiale, Toulouse, 1992

En 50 Figures de l’Abstrait: les Grands Courants de l’art Contemporain, Palais Bénédictine, Fécamp, 1993

Entre la Sérénité et l’Inquiétude, group exhibition, Musée d’Art moderne, Saint-Étienne, 1993

Solo exhibition, Galeria Charpa, Valencia, 1993

Olivier Debré. 50 Tableaux pour un Timbre, Musée de la Poste, Paris, 1993

Olivier Debré. Anatomie du Sourire. Eaux-fortes et Texts Originaux, Galerie Jeanne Bucher, Paris, 1993

Olivier Debré. Rétrospective 1943-1993, exhibition organized in three sections: Les Signes-Personnages, la Verticalité, Château des ducs de Wurtemberg, Montbéliard, Les Signes-Paysages, l’Espace, Musée de Valence, 1993

Les Carnets de Voyages, La Couleur, Musée Fesch, Ajaccio, 1993

Olivier Debré. Rétrospective 1943-1993, repetition of the three sections of the exhibition with the addition of a section on Architecture, Théâtre de Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, Montigny-le-Bretonneux, 1993

Olivier Debré. Rétrospective, Galerie Nationale du Jeu de Paume, Paris, 1995; the exhibition then travelled around Europe: Liège, Milan, Stravanger (Norway), Reykjavik, and then Latin America: Medellín (Colombia), Mexico, Rio de Janeiro, 1996-1997

Olivier Debré. Un peintre dans la ville, Espace Jean Legendre, Compiègne, 1995

Signes, exhibition held during the Festival d’Art et de Musique, Galerie de la Prévôté, Aix-en-Provence, 1995

Solo exhibition, Städtische Galerie, Lienz (Austria), 1996

La Dimension du Corps 1920-1980, group exhibition, National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo; National Museum of Modern Art, Kyoto, 1996

Olivier Debré, Centre Culturel, Ancien Carmel, Tarbes, 1996

Olivier Debré. 50 Ans d’Estampes, Île des Impressionnistes, Chatou, and then travelled around Ukraine, Latvia, Vietnam, Thailand and Singapore, 1996

Olivier Debré. Carnets de Voyage, Galleria Francese, Rome, 1996

Olivier Debré. Maleri, Baroniet Rosendal, Rosendal (Norway), 1996

Olivier Debré. Retrospective, Galleria Credito Valtellinese, refettorio delle Stelline, Milan, 1996

Olivier Debré. Retrospective, Musée d’Art, Reykjavik, 1996

Olivier Debré. Rétrospective, Musée Saint-Georges, Liège, 1996

Salon Coup de Cœur. 40 Amateurs Collectionneurs Présentent 80 Artistes, Espace Cardin, Paris, 1996

Olivier Debré, Château d’Ô, Montpellier, 1997

Olivier Debré. Paintings and Prints, 1948-1996, Alex Gallery, Washington DC, 1997

Olivier Debré. Retrospective, Museum of Modern Art, Medellin (Colombia), 1997

Olivier Debré. Retrospective, Museum of Modern Art, Rio de Janeiro, 1997

Olivier Debré. Retrospective, Museum of Fine Arts, Mexico, 1997

Première Biennale de la Gravure d’Île-de-France, Domaine de Madame Élisabeth, Versailles, 1997

70ème Exposition du Cercle Municipal des Gobelins et des Beaux-Arts, Mairie du XIIIème arrondissement, Paris, 1998

Artists in Situ, Banque et Caisse d’Épargne de l’État, Luxembourg; Galerie d’Art Contemporain Am Tunnel, Luxembourg, 1998

Autour de Georges Duby, Galerie d’art du Conseil Général, Aix-en-Provence, 1998

Olivier Debré en Norvège, Musée Astrup Fearnley, Oslo, 1998

Olivier Debré. Retrospective, Museum of Modern Art, Hong-Kong, 1998

Olivier Debré. Retrospective, Museum of Modern Art, Kamakura (Japan), 1998

Olivier Debré. Retrospective, Museum of History, Beijing, 1998

Olivier Debré. Retrospective, Museum of Fine Arts, Taipei, 1998

30 Artistes 1969-1999. Hommage à Olivier Debré, Galerie d’Art de l’Assemblée Nationale, Paris, 1999

Julius Baltazar, Frédéric Benrath, Jean Cortot, Olivier Debré, Pierre Dmitrienko, Roseline Granet, René Làubiès, Alfred Manessier, André Marfaing, Jaroslav Serpan, Raoul Ubac, Zao Wou-Ki, Galerie Simon Blais, Montreal, 1999

Olivier Debré et Richard Texier, Galerie d’Art Contemporain de Bécheron, Saché, 1999

Olivier Debré. Retrospective, Musée d’Ettlingen, Ettlingen (Germany), 1999

Olivier Debré. Retrospective, Musée Ludwig, Koblenz, 1999

Hommage à Olivier Debré, École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts, Paris, 2000

Olivier Debré à Shanghai, Maison de la Chine, Paris, 2000

Olivier Debré, la Loire… et ses Amis, Château, Musée international de la Chasse, Gien, 2000

Olivier Debré, Peintures de 1963 à 1999, Centre d’Arts Plastiques, Royan, 2000

Hommage à Six Peintres de la Galerie, Galerie Ariel, Paris, 2001

L’Estampe. Le Paysage, de Charles-François Daubigny à Nos Jours, Mairie, Aulnay-sous-Bois, 2001

L’Iris en Fleur, Fondation Vincent-Van-Gogh, Arles, 2001

Olivier Debré. Couleurs de Paysages, Musée Pincé, Angers, 2001

Signes, Traces, Ecritures de Alechinsky à Zao Wou-Ki, Centre National d’Art et de Culture Georges- Pompidou, Paris, 2001

50 Ans de la Galerie Ariel, Galerie Ariel, Paris, 2002

Collection d’hiver, Art Contemporain, Monastère R de Brou, Bourg-en-Bresse, 2002

Créations Contemporaines, Manufactures Nationales, Sèvres, 2002

La Nouvelle École de Paris 1941-1965, Centre d’Art contemporain, Abbaye de Beaulien, Ginals, 2002

Olivier Debré, Casa de Francia, Mexico, 2002

Olivier Debré. Rétrospective, Alianza Francesa, Monterrey (Mexico), 2002

Philippe Cognée, Olivier Debré, Galerie Haaken Oslo, 2002

Solo exhibitions, Galerie Louis Carré & Cie, Paris, 2003, 2004 (8ème pavillon des Antiquaires et des Beaux-Arts, Paris), 2005 (FIAC-Porte de Versailles, Paris), 2009, 2011, 2013

Olivier Debré. Œuvres de la Dation, Centre Georges-Pompidou, Paris, 2003

Lieu(x) d’Etre-Collection les Abattoirs, Centre d’Art Contemporain Georges-Pompidou, Cajarc, 2004

Regard sur l’Art Contemporain, Atelier Grognard Rond-Point des Arts, Rueil-Malmaison, 2004

50 Ans de Peinture en France, une Galerie, une Collection, Musée de Cahors Henri-Martin, Cahors, 2005

Olivier Debré, Antoine Poncet, Atrium, Geneva, 2005

Portraits de Sylvie, Galerie J. Bastien Art, Brussels, 2005

L’Envolée Lyrique. Paris 1945-1956, Musée du Luxembourg, Paris, 2006

Gestes, Signes, Traces, Espaces, Musée Malraux, Le Havre, 2007

Hommage à André Marfaing, Musée d’Art Moderne et Contemporain les Abattoirs, Toulouse, 2007

L’Action Pensive Issy-les-Moulineaux, Johnson & Johnson, Couleurs, Couleurs, Musée de Gajac, Villeneuve-sur-Lot, 2007

Olivier Debré. Grands Formats, Musée des Beaux-Arts, Angers, 2007

Olivier Debré. Loire… Paysages Abstraits, Musée des Beaux-Arts et d’Archéologie J. Déchelette, Roanne, 2007

Olivier Debré. Parcours 1943-1998, Musée de Cahors Henri-Martin, Cahors, 2007

Olivier Debré. Voyages, Musée de Millau, Millau, 2007

La Poétique de l’Eau Pont-Aven, Musée des Beaux-Arts, Pont-Aven 2008

Olivier Debré, Peintre Voyageur de la Touraine au Monde, Château de Chenonceau, Chenonceau, 2008

Olivier Debré. Paysages de Loire, Musée des Beaux-Arts, Orléans, 2008

Repartir à Zéro, Musée des Beaux-Arts, Lyon, 2008

Une Grosse Caisse dans un Orchestre Symphonique. Patrimoine et création, Centre d’Art contemporain, Maison de la Cure, Saint-Restitut, 2008

Abstractions (1956- 2006), Musée Fabre, Montpellier, 2009

Arte & Natura, Museo Villa dei Cedri, Bellinzona (Switzerland), 2009

Autour de Pierre Cabanne, Galerie Guillaume, Paris, 2009

La Peinture de Paysage. Chemins d’une Collection, Espace Fondation EDF, Paris, 2009

Olivier Debré, de Loire et d’Ailleurs, Musée de l’Hôtel-Dieu, Mantes-la-Jolie, 2009

Olivier Debré, Signes-Paysages / Grands Formats, Espace d’art contemporain Fernet-Branca, Saint-Louis, 2009

Olivier Debré, Signes-Personnages, Lieu d’Art et d’Action Culturel LAAC, Dunkirk, 2009

Olivier Debré/Etienne Hajdu, Galerie Bernard Ceysson, Luxembourg, 2009

Picasso, Matisse, Dubuffet, Bacon… Les Modernes s’Exposent, Musée des Beaux-Arts, Lyon, 2009

100 Ans de Peinture en Bretagne (1880-1980) & La Loire par Olivier Debré, Galerie Doyen, Vannes, 2010

L’Enfance de l’Art, Galerie d’art du Conseil Général, Aix-en-Provence, 2010

Olivier Debré, Musée National d’Art Moderne et Contemporain, Alger, 2010

Olivier Debré. Signes-Paysages, Signes Gravés, Musée de la Cohue, Vannes, 2010

Signes-Paysages, Musée Ziem, Martigues, 2010

Kings of Art, Kalmar Castle, Kalmar (Sweden), 2011

Les Sujets de l’Abstraction. 101 Chefs-d’Œuvre de la Fondation Gandur pour l’Art, Musée Rath, Geneva; Musée Fabre, Montpellier, 2011

Olivier Debré. Un Abstrait Lyrique. Rétrospective, Musée d’Ixelles, Brussels, 2011

Parole & Figure, Museo Villa dei Cedri, Bellinzona (Switzerland), 2011

Regard sur l’abstraction Lyrique, Montparnasse and Saint- Germain-des-Prés, Musée des Beaux-Arts, Carcassonne, 2011

Art Paris, Galerie Jeane Bastien, 2012

L’Art en Guerre, France 1938-1947, Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, Paris, 2012, Travelling exhibition: Arte en Guerra, Francia 1938-1947; Museo Guggenheim, Bilbao, 2013

Montparnasse/Saint-Germain-des-Prés, un Certain Regard sur l’Abstraction Lyrique, group travelling exhibition, Anciennes Ecuries des Ardoisières, Trélazé, then Montparnasse/Saint-Germain-des-Prés. Abstractions d’Après-Guerre, Musée des Beaux-Arts, Bordeaux, 2012

De l’Impressionnisme à l’Abstraction, une Immersion dans la Peinture, Musée des Beaux-Arts, Saint-Lô, 2013

Montparnasse/ Saint-Germain-des-Prés, Regards sur l’Abstraction 1950-1990, travelling exhibition, Palais du Roi de Rome, Rambouillet; Musée de Tessé, Le Mans, 2013

Olivier Debré, Signes-Personnages, Signes-Paysages, Musée des Beaux-Arts, Carcassonne, 2013

Olivier Debré. Les Années 1950-1960, Galerie Brame & Lorenceau, Paris, 2013

Olivier Debré, Galerie Diane de Polignac, 2014, 2017

Olivier Debré. Un voyage en Norvège, Centre de Création Contemporaine Olivier Debré, Tours, 2017

Les Nymphéas d’Olivier Debré, Centre de Création Contemporaine Olivier Debré, Tours, 2019


Selected bibliography

Pierre Courthion (text), exhibition catalogue, Knoedler Galleries, New York, 1959

Dora Vallier (text), exhibition catalogue, Galerie Knoedler, Paris, 1960

Giorgio Kaisserlian (text), exhibition catalogue, Galleria Pagani del Grattacielo, Milan, 1962

Pierre Courthion (text), exhibition catalogue, Musée de l’Athénée, Geneva, 1962

Francis Ponge, exhibition catalogue, Galerie Knoedler, Paris, 1963

Francis Ponge, exhibition catalogue, Knoedler Gallery, New York, 1963

Jean Lescure (text), exhibition catalogue, Nouveau Musée des beaux-arts, Le Havre, 1966

Julien Alvard (text), exhibition catalogue, Galerie Appel und Fertsch, Francfort, 1966

Magne Malmanger, exhibition catalogue, Galerie Haaken, Oslo, 1966

Pierre Courthion, Debré, Georges Fall, collection Le Musée de Poche, Paris, 1967

Marie-Claude Dane, Pierre Courthion, Julien Alvard and Francis Ponge, (5 texts), exhibition catalogue, Musée Galliera, Paris, 1968

Pierre Courthion and Marie-Claude Dane, exhibition catalogue, Galerie des Beaux-Arts, Bordeaux, 1968

Robert Marteau, Georges Badin, René Le Bihan and Roger van Gindertaël (texts), exhibition catalogue, Musée des Beaux-Arts, Brest, 1969.

Daniel Abadie, exhibition catalogue, Centre culturel du Prieuré, Vivoin, 1970

Pierre Courthion (text), exhibition catalogue, Galleria Pagani, Milan, 1970

Henri-François Debailleux (texts), exhibition catalogue, Musée des beaux-arts, Carcassonne, 1990

Olivier Debré (text), exhibition catalogue, Galerie Ariel, Paris. 1973

Claude Fournet and Daniel Abadie (texts), exhibition catalogue, Musée de l’Abbaye Sainte-Croix, Les Sables-d’Olonne, 1974

Pierre Courthion (text), exhibition catalogue, Galerie Numaga, Auvernier (Switzerland), 1974

Bernard Ceysson (preface), Alfred Pacquement, Marcelin Pleynet, Dominique Ponnau, Pierre Torreilles et Jean Lescure (texts), exhibition catalogue, Musée d’Art et d’Industrie/Maison de la Culture et des Loisirs, Saint-Étienne, 1975

Jacques Lassaigne and Daniel Abadie (texts), exhibition catalogue, Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, Paris, 1975

Bernard Noël, exhibition catalogue, Galerie Ariel, Paris, 1976

Gaston Diehl and Daniel Abadie (text), exhibition catalogue, National Museum of Wales, Cardiff, 1977

Daniel Abadie (text), exhibition catalogue, Nordjyllands Kunstmuseum, Aalborg and Lyngby kunstforening, Copenhagen, 1978

Olivier Debré and Edmond Jabes (text), interview with Olivier Debré and Sophie Guillot de Suduiraut, Nadine Lehni, Jean-Marc Reol, exhibition catalogue, Musée des Beaux-Arts, Tours; Musée Sainte-Croix, Poitiers; Musée d’Art Moderne et Contemporain, Strasbourg, 1980

Pierre Cabanne (text), exhibition catalogue, Fondation du Château de Jau, Cases-de-Pène (Perpignan), 1980

Bernard Noël, Olivier Debré, Flammarion, Paris, 1984

Perrier et David Le Breton (texts), exhibition catalogue, Maison de la Culture, Bourges, 1984

David Ojalvo and Gilbert Lascault (texts), exhibition catalogue, Musée des beaux-arts, Orléans, 1985

Marie-Françoise Poiret, Bernard Ceysson, Alain Rerat (texts), exhibition catalogue, Musée de Brou, Bourg-en-Bresse, 1985

Bernard Noël (text), exhibition catalogue, Musée Dynamique, Dakar, 1986

Bernard Noël, (text), exhibition catalogue, Musée d’Art et d’Histoire, Metz, 1986

Henry Nesme (texts), exhibition catalogue, Musée Hébert, La Tronche (Grenoble), 1986

Bernard Noël, (sous la direction), Olivier Debré: le Rideau de la Comédie-Française, Librairie Séguier, Paris, 1987

Bernard Noël, (text), exhibition catalogue, Abbaye des Cordeliers, Châteauroux, 1987

Bernard Noël, Olivier Debré, Éditions Aréa, collection Initiale, Paris, 1988

Bruno Foucart (text); entretien d’Olivier Debré par Marilys de la Morandière and Bruno Foucart, exhibition catalogue, Centre Culturel, Boulogne-Billancourt, 1988

Michel Faucher, Debré: Palpeur de l’Espace, Fragments Éditions, Collection Passeports, Paris, 1988

Pierre Barousse (text), exhibition catalogue, Musée Ingres, Montauban, 1988

Bernard Noël, Olivier Debré: le Rideau de Scène de l’Opéra de Hong-Kong, Librairie Séguier, Paris, 1989

Bernard Noël, (text), exhibition catalogue, Musée d’Art et d’Histoire, Saint-Denis, 1990

Bernard Noël, Debré. Dessins 1945-1960, Adam Biro, Paris, 1990

Jean-Clarence Lambert, Debré. Gravures 1990, Éditions Lacourière et Frélaut, Paris, 1990

Jean-Claude Lambert and Emmanuel Pernoud (texts), exhibition catalogue, Artcurial, Paris, 1990

Alain Julien-Laferriere and Bernard Lamarche-Vadel (texts), exhibition catalogue, Centre de Création Contemporaine, Tours, 1991

Emmanuel Pernoud (text), exhibition catalogue, Artothèque, Toulouse; Institut français d’Écosse, Edinburgh; Institut français du Royaume-Uni, London; Le Majorat, Villeneuve-Tolosane, 1991

Emmanuel Pernoud, L’Esprit des Débuts, Fragments Éditions, collection Passeport, Paris, 1991

Gilbert Lascault and Francis Ponge (texts), exhibition catalogue, Musée de Laval; Hôtel du Département, La Roche-sur-Yon; Maison de la Culture/ Nouveau Théâtre, Angers; Musée Denys-Puech, Rodez, 1991

Haaken A. Christensen (text), exhibition catalogue, Galerie Haaken, Oslo, 1991

Haaken A. Christensen, Olivier Debré et Lœrdal, Flammarion, Paris, 1991

Lucien Kayser (text), exhibition catalogue, Galerie du Luxembourg, Luxembourg, 1991

Pierre Cabanne, Olivier Debré, Cercle d’Art, Paris, 1991

Shinichi Segi (text), exhibition catalogue, Galerie Yoshii, Tokyo, 1991

Emmanuel Pernoud, Olivier Debré, les Estampes et les Livres Illustrés 1945-1991, Publications de la Sorbonne, Paris, 1993

Jean-Pierre Cuzin, Jean-François Mozziconacci, Hélène Moulin, Marie-Dominique Roche, Philippe Dagen, Dominique Boudou, Jean Terrail (texts), exhibition catalogue, Musées, Château des ducs de Wurtemberg, Montbéliard; Museum, Valencia; Musée Fesch, Ajaccio;

Théâtre de Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, Montigny-le-Bretonneux, 1993

Maïten Bouisset (text), exhibition catalogue, Musée de la Poste, Paris, 1993

Lydia Harambourg, L’Ecole De Paris, 1945-1965 : Dictionnaire Des Peintres, Lausanne, Ides et Calendes, 1993

Alin Avila et Kenworth W. Moffett (texts), exhibition catalogue, Galerie Gérald Piltzer, Paris, 1994

Irmgard Bohunovsky, Dominique Boudou, Olivier Debre, Jean-François Mozziconacci (texts), exhibition catalogue, Galerie Carinthia, Ossiach (Slovenia), 1994

Maximilien Guyol (text), exhibition catalogue, Galeria Charpa, Valencia, 1994

Achille Bonito Oliva, Georges Duby, Andreas Franzke and Ann Hindry (texts), exhibition catalogue, Galerie Nationale du Jeu de Paume, Paris, 1995

Jean-Jacques Lévêque, Olivier Debré, Journal d’un Eté, Adam Biro, Paris, 1995

Achille Bonito Oliva and Daniel Abadie (texts), exhibition catalogue, Galleria Francese, Rome, 1996

Françoise-Claire Prodhon (interview with Olivier Debré, Paris, 1985), Île des Impressionnistes, Chatou, 1996

Lydia Harambourg, Olivier Debré, Ides et Calendes, collection Polychrome, Neuchâtel, 1997

Pierre Torreilles and Francis Ponge (texts), exhibition catalogue, Château d’O, Montpellier, 1997

Magne Malmanger (text), exhibition catalogue, Musée Astrup Fearnley, Oslo, 1998

Gérard Xuriguera (text), exhibition catalogue, Espace Riquet, Béziers, 1999

Haaken A. Christensen, Olivier Debré, Fragments Éditions, collection Épisode, Paris, 2000

Jean Ristat, Olivier Debré. Le Théâtre de la Peinture, Fragments Éditions, Paris, 2000

Michel Butor, Dix Regards sur l’Atelier Désert, Ides et Calendes, Neuchâtel, 2000

Collective publication, Pour Olivier Debré, l’Échoppe, Paris, 2000

Philippe Piguet (text), exhibition catalogue, Centre d’Arts Plastiques, Royan, 2000

Daniel Abadie, exhibition catalogue, Galerie de l’Alliance Française, Monterrey (Mexico), 2002

Françoise Marquet (text), exhibition catalogue, Galerie J. Bastien-Art, Brussels, 2002

Éric de Chassey, exhibition catalogue, Galerie Louis Carré & Cie, Paris, 2003

Laurence Ejzyn (text), J. Bastien Art, Brussels, 2005

Éric de Chassey, Lydia Harambourg, Olivier Debré, Expressions Contemporaines, Angers, 2007

Laure Meunier, Sylvie Huerre-Debré, Lydia Harambourg and Daniel Chabrissoux (texts), exhibition catalogue, Château de Chenonceau, Chenonceau, 2008

Olivier Debré (text from the exhibition catalogue of the Galerie Ariel de 1973), J. Bastien Art, Brussels, 2008

Daniel Abadie, exhibition catalogue, Galerie Louis Carré & Cie, Paris, 2009

Gérard Cahn (text), exhibition catalogue, Espace d’Art Contemporain Fernet-Branca, Saint-Louis, 2009

Mohamed Djehiche, Éric de Chassey (texts), exhibition catalogue, Musée National d’Art Moderne et Contemporain, Alger, 2010

Lydia Harambourg, L’École de Paris, 1945-1965, Dictionnaire des peintres, Ides et Calendes, Neuchâtel, 1993, (update by Clotilde Scordia, Ides et Calendes, Neuchâtel, 2010)

Éric de Chassey, Jean-Paul Ameline, exhibition catalogue, Musée Rath, Geneva, 2011

Philippe Bouchet, exhibition catalogue, Galerie Louis Carré & Cie, Paris, 2011

Daniel Abadie, Olivier Debré, signes paysages, signes personnages, Tesserete, Pagine d’Arte, 2012

Lydia Harambourg (text), exhibition catalogue, Anciennes écuries des Ardoisières, Trélazé, 2012

Laurence Bertrand-Dorléac, Jacqueline Munck (editors), Fabrice Hergott (preface), L’Art en guerre, France 1937-1947, exhibition catalogue, Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, Paris, 2012

Laurence Bertrand-Dorléac and Jacqueline Munck (editors), Fabrice Hergott (preface), Ruan Ignacio Vidarte (preface), Arte en Guerra, Francia, 1937-1947, exhibition catalogue, Guggenheim Museum, Bilbao, 2013

Daniel Abadie (text), exhibition catalogue, Galerie Louis Carré & Cie, Paris, 2013

Lydia Harambourg (text), exhibition catalogue, Musée des Beaux-Arts, Carcassonne, 2013

Lydia Harambourg, Olivier Debré, Ides et Calendes, collection Polychrome, Neuchâtel, 2013

Khalil de Chazournes & Diane de Polignac (preface), Daniel Abadie, (interview with Olivier Debré from the exhibition catalogue Olivier Debré, Musée d’Art et d’Industrie / Maison de la Culture et des Loisirs, Saint-Étienne, 1975), exhibition catalogue, Galerie Diane de Polignac, Paris, 2014


Illustrated books

Francis Ponge, Pour Olivier Debré, Galerie Knoedler, Paris, 1963. Limited edition. 2 original lithographs

La Réalité en sa totalité, Georges Fall, Paris, 1968. 1 colour aquatint for the early impressions

Paroles peintes IV, Lazar-Vernet, Paris, 1970. Poemes by Edith Boissonnas (translated by Edward Lucie-Smith). 1 carborundum print

Olivier Debré, Impressions de voyage, in Ariel 27, Galerie Ariel, Paris, 1973. 2 original lithographs

Clivages, Paris, n°3, 1975. 1 aquatint on the frontispiece and the cover

Pierre Torreilles, Pratique de la Poésie, Montpellier, Fata Morgana, 1977. 1 print

Pierre Torreilles, Toutes les Aubes Conjuguées, Thierry Bouchard, Losne, 1978. 3 prints including one on the cover

Jean-Baptiste Lysland, Le Visage Intérieur, Brandes, Roubaix, 1980. 2 prints

James Sacré, Quelque Chose De Mal Raconté, Ryoân-Ji, Marseille, 1981. 2 prints

Jean-Clarence Lambert, Mu Tei, Le Limitrope, Paris, 1982. 13 original lithographs

Bernard Noël (text), El Tretze Vènts, Carte blanche, Montmorency, 1983. 2 lithographs

Claude Margat, Regard Dedans, Éditions Unes, Trans-en-Provence, 1984. 1 print

Djuna Barnes (Translated from English by Michèle Causse), Aux Abysses, Ryoân-ji, Marseille, 1984. 1 composition on the cover

Djuna Barnes (Translated from English by Michèle Causse), Divagations malicieuses, Ryoân-Ji, Marseille, 1984. 1 composition on the cover

Bernard Noël (text), Corps 12 (collaborative work by 12 writers and 12 painters), Fondation 1985 Royaumont, Royaumont, 1985. 1 print

Bernard Noël, Le Livre de l’oubli, Ryoân-Ji, Marseille, 1985. 8 prints

Franck-André Jamme, Pour les simples, Fata, Morgana, Montpellier, 1987. 2 prints

Olivier Debré, L’Espace et le Comportement, L’Échoppe, collection Envois, Caen, 1987. 1 print

Bernard Noël, Sur un Pli du temps, Les Cahiers des brisants, Saint-Perdon, 1988. 5 prints

James Sacré, Une Fin d’Après-Midi à Marrakech, Ryoân-ji, Marseille, 1988, 1 composition on the cover

André Morain, Les Ambassadeurs, La Différence, Paris, 1989. 1 lithograph accompanying the early impression

Michel-Ange, Lettres Familières, 1497-1509, L’Échoppe, Caen, 1989. 1 drypoint

Patrice Huerre, Perocco le Perroquet, L’École des Loisirs, Paris, 1989. Illustrations

Bernard Noël, Sur le Peu de Corps, Les Cahiers des brisants, Saint-Perdon, 1990. 8 prints

Bernard Vargaftig, VOICI ou un Souffle à Travers “Journal du Regard” by Bernard Noël, Xonrupt-Longemer, Æncrages & Co., 1990. 1 original drawing

Edmond Jabès, Bâtir à Chaux et à Sable, Nouveau Cercle Parisien du Livre, Paris, 1990. 14 prints

Franck-André Jamme, La Vie est Trop Courte, Sous Le Manteau, 1991. 5 painted traces.

Michel Butor, Sous le Noir, Zoé Cristiani, Paris, 1991. 5 prints

Paul Valéry, text Poésie, introduced by Michel Decaudin, Paris, Imprimerie Nationale, 1991. 2 original prints

Claude Fournet, Portrait de l’Homme qui se Farde, followed by L’homme qui Tombe, Galilée, Paris, 1992. 2 original lithographs

Mathieu Bénéze; Bernard Noël, Bernard Vargaftig, Trois Etats du Toi, La Sétérée/ Jacques Clerc, 1992. 8 lithographs.

Olivier Debré, Anatomie du Sourire, Paris, 1993. 38 prints and an original drawing

Dominique Grandmont, Histoires Impossibles, Éditions Dumerchez, Creil, 1994.1 composition on the cover and a drawing on the first 10 impressions

Guy Marester, Notes de Service, préface de Roger Grenier, Rougerie, Mortemart, 1994. 3 original prints

Roger Lesgards, Bracelets d’Orbites, Le Cherche Midi Éditeur, collection Points fixes/ Poésie, Paris, 1994. 3 prints and 1 original drawing for the early impressions

Jean-Jacques Lévêque, Journal d’un Eté, Adam Biro Éditeur, Tours, 1995. 1 pencil drawing, 3 ink and gouache compositions, 2 ink drawings, 3 charcoals

Francis Ponge, Le Soleil lu à la Radio, Rémy Maure Éditeur, Clichy, 1996. Prints

Julien Gracq, Les Eaux Etroites, Les Pharmaciens bibliophiles, Nogent-sur-Marne, 1996 Prints

Bernard Noël, Espace du Sourire, Éditions de la Médiathèque de la Ville du Mans, 1998 Illustrations

Bernard Noël, La Grille du Temps, Editions Unes, Trans-en-Provence, 1995. 1 original ink drawing

G.E. Clancier, Est-ce un Adieu? On a Tenu, Éditions Alain Piroir, Montréal, 1999. Prints by Olivier Debré and Julius Baltazar

Hélène Drion, Battements de Terre, Éditions Simon Blais, Montréal, 1999. 2 prints

L’Ecclésiaste, (translated from Hebrew by Ernest Renan), Paris, Les Amis du Livre, 1999. 7 prints and 2 original lithographs

Patrice Huerre, Perocco le Perroquet, followed by Bernard Noël, André Dimanche Éditions, Marseille, 2009. Illustrations

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